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A Morehouse College “Reading” List : Morehouse College

Written by Morehouse College | Sep 1, 2020 4:00:00 AM

I’ve always loved books. I remember them being in my life since forever. My parents had books everywhere. They read often and would frequently direct me to a writer on the shelf when I peppered them with questions. And my folks made sure that I had books — a lot of them. It was explained to me that I needed them to do the work that I was to do. I was curious what work that was when younger. But no matter, whatever my charge, a book would be helpful.

The summer before I began college I was sent a reading list. It instructed that we needed to have all the books on that list purchased in preparation for deep learning through the years ahead. The list was daunting. So many titles. But as I looked over the list I saw that I’d either read or been exposed to much of the knowledge bound in the pages of the texts offered. That was encouraging, daunting still, but encouraging.

Given that the reading list came from Morehouse College, it centered the Black-lived experience with special attention to Black men. It was special in that regard. The books had me engage Black genius and realities that were not often shared broadly beyond that red clay dirt hill in Atlanta.

Since receiving that type-written reading list from Morehouse College years and years ago, things have changed in terms of how we get information.Books are still cornerstone, in my opinion. But it is crucial that we are literate in many other ways, through additional mediums and across multiple media.

Over the past several years I have patched together a Morehouse College reading list, circulating it here and there among colleagues and student scholars. A few years back, I dotted the list with seminal movies and albums I thought a good fit. This year I offer a list that is super intentional in listing books and articles with hyperlinks along with internet content and albums I think important. To be clear, this is not THE Morehouse College Reading List, but it is absolutely A Morehouse College Media List and I find it a solid resource. 

With that, please use this list if you are so moved. I hope that it is helpful in the work that you are to do.


David Wall Rice, Ph.D., is a Professor of Pyschology and PI of the Identity, Art, and Democracy Lab.