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    Class of 2021 Senior Profiles: Mokgwetsi Sizwe Chapman

    May 13, 2021

    Mokgwetsi Sizwe Chapman of Jackson, Mississippi is graduating cum laude as a cinema, television, and emerging media studies major with a minor in sports journalism. He currently serves as the editor-in-chief of the campus newspaper The Maroon Tiger, a member of the National Association of Black Journalists, and a recipient of the National Newspaper Publishers Association Foundation Journalism Scholarship. After graduation, he will join Wild Card Creative Group in Culver City, California as a content editor for the company’s various clients, creating meaningful, strategic, innovative, and insights-driven content and experiences.

    Homeschooled for his entire life, Sizwe had a considerable adjustment to make for his life at Morehouse. “I struggled to open up socially and was unsure if I would ever adjust to the fast-paced environment and rigor of becoming a man of Morehouse. However, as time went on, I learned that as soon as I embraced my own story and expressed my art, Morehouse began to embrace me as well. I felt the sense of home that attracted me to the College in the first place.” Now he sees himself as a true Morehouse Man because he is now someone “who exudes creativity with a mindset of service and leadership.”

    Sizwe attributes his successes thus far to God, his parents, and his imagination. “My parents are for sure my inspiration and why I can call myself a Morehouse Man today. They took an unorthodox risk in homeschooling me up to college, but they had full belief that I could achieve anything. Now I get to see how they have been dreaming and achieving all this time as well. Also, my imagination inspires my art and passions for cinematography and multimedia content creation. It allows for the simplest of elements to become grandiose through editing and creativity.”

    Sizwe encourages prospective men of Morehouse to “stay committed to your passion. Morehouse unlocked my creativity by allowing me to make mistakes and experiment, so I could become the best version of myself possible.”

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