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    Morehouse Metaversity Program Wins 2022 T-Mobile Un-Conventional Award for "Innovation in Industry"

    October 11, 2022

    Congratulations are in order for Dr. Muhsinah Morris and the Morehouse Metaversity program for earning the 2022 T-Mobile Un-Conventional Award for "Innovation in Industry" for launching the world’s first “Metaversity,” offering virtual reality classroom experiences, powered by T-Mobile 5G, that are changing the future of learning and education.

    The T-Mobile Un-Conventional Award was created to recognize and celebrate T-Mobile for Business customers who dare to innovate. The first-ever Unconventional Awards took place on September 29 at Mobile World Congress in Las Vegas, NV, honoring customers in three categories: Innovation in Customer Experience, Innovation in Employee Enablement and Innovation in Industry. T-Mobile awarded the first-place finishers in each category with a $25,000 in-kind donation to their charity of choice.

    “These organizations know what it means to think unconventionally. They build and innovate upon successes of the past and shake things up for the customers they serve—just like we do at T-Mobile. They drive their own success,” says Callie Field, president of T-Mobile Business Group. 

    To learn more about the T-Mobile for Business Unconventional Awards, visit

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