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MVPS: Marveon Mabon ’25, servant leader from L.A. looks to become ‘problem-solver”
September 14, 2021Written by: Morehouse College
Welcome to our 2025 Spotlights! We have REUNITED and welcome the classes of 2024 and 2025 to our hallowed grounds in person for the first time. The men of Morehouse showcased in this series are a selection [from the many] students who exemplify the quintessential Morehouse student: enterprising, audacious, inquisitive, tenacious, creative, and unapologetic. The College is shining a light from its hilltop on the scholars who will soon be carrying the torch themselves.
Marveon Mabon, 18, will tell you that Morehouse chose him. Inspired by the College’s notable graduates like Civil Rights pioneer Julian Bond and famed theologian Howard Thurman—who he calls game-changers—Mabon felt Morehouse reflected the values and principles he tries to live by each day.
“Morehouse is all about community, brotherhood, giving back, and speaking up about issues and that’s what I am about,” he said.
Mabon believes that generational hardships can make change difficult. But he’s seen what happens when one person steps up to make a difference. When he created an anti-bullying program, he was recognized by the board of commissioners of Los Angeles’ Housing Authority for his efforts. He also used his voice to revitalize green spaces for underserved communities in L.A., helped create safe spaces for youth and built relationships with the LAPD.
It’s those experiences Mabon is bringing to Morehouse that he hopes to build on to not just call out the problem but find the solution.
“When I arrive to Morehouse, my goal is to take in everything Morehouse has to offer whether it’s cultural, political, ethical, etc.,” he said. “I plan to use what I am taught and build relationships with my brothers, Spelman sisters and Clark cousins. I’ll accomplish gaining the mindset of a Morehouse man and bring about efficient and effective change to my community.”
As a child growing up in project housing, Mabon is all too familiar with the misconceptions and stereotypes society places on people who come from communities like his. While he had to deal with challenges like making sure to be in the right places and experiencing the loss of loved ones, his community is home to hardworking families striving each day to do better.
“Most parents work two or three jobs […] to provide food on the table and a roof over our heads,” he said. “And many generations have been striving to make sure they become the first to graduate and/or go to college, and it’s not easy.”
Mabon’s neighbors and loved ones made it their mission to help him continue his education journey, raising enough money for him to realize his dream of moving to Atlanta to attend Morehouse College. Their support is his motivation to make his college experience count.
“I know that I have an obligation to graduate as a Morehouse Man, and to bring back the knowledge I will gain from Morehouse to enlighten my community.”
Welcome to the House, Marveon!

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