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    Statement of Solidarity and Action

    June 9, 2020

    We, the faculty and staff of Morehouse College, stand committed to the College’s mission to inculcate the incontrovertible value of Black people and the pursuit of justice. We stand in solidarity with the national and international response of grief and anger concerning the recent killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Ahmaud Arbery, and too many others. We profess the teachings of Martin Luther King, Jr. '48, a Morehouse alumnus, who stressed that it is our moral obligation to apply intentional pressure in protesting unjust laws and norms.

    We are well-acquainted with literal and figurative enslavement and such crimes against Black humanity as: rape, lynching, redlining, mass incarceration, and voter suppression.  This lived experience, an ongoing legacy of centuries of racial injustice and white supremacy, is central to the widespread uprisings that we bear witness to in this historical moment.  We aver that this pandemic of institutional failure must not continue to erode the tacit value of Black bodies, minds, and spirits. Accordingly, we call for a revolution of values that will ultimately root-out the hypocrisy of a nation that calls itself free and democratic, while simultaneously exploiting the intellectual, material, and cultural investments of Black people.

    We, as faculty and staff, are committed to the work required to attain the ideals of life and freedom for all people as written in the United States' Declaration of Independence. This work, by definition, is not the exclusive responsibility of Black people and their allies. Across lines of difference, we all bear responsibility for this work.  We have been heartened in recent days to see glimpses of solidarity by people of all colors, some corporations, and some governmental authorities. We are also pleased to see that some measures of accountability have been imposed — in the Floyd case, the Arbery case, in the incident involving the tasing of our Atlanta University Center students, and for Christian Cooper in New York City.

    However, we are not interested in continuing to seek justice or retribution for systemic offenses. We demand a system of justice, official and societal, that provides the protections promised by our Constitution and national “contract,” such that George Floyd and others who look like him, are free to live – to breathe – without restraint. The investigation and contemplation of America’s peculiar predilection with race and racism is long past its novelty. It is time to reconstruct the American polity so that it demonstrates universal respect for the humanity of Black people in this country. We —all of us— must dedicate ourselves to civic participation, and to repairing and protecting our electoral system from defilement by those who wish to continue discriminatory representation: a reconstruction of American democracy. We are dedicated to actively participating in, and providing support for, this uncomfortable, complex, and righteous work. We do this in alignment with our mission to develop men with disciplined minds who will lead lives of leadership and service, and in homage to our ancestors.

    We invite you to join us in action. Engage resources on our campus that highlight progressive teaching and scholarship. These resources aim to support strategic development of the social, economic, and political transformation that will ensure social justice; social impact; equity in all measures; and freedom for ourselves, our students, our communities, and this nation. We hope that you will explore this list of resources that are central to the mission of Morehouse College – and that you will continue the challenging and necessary freedom-work ahead of us, all.

    Get to know the legacy and mission of Morehouse College:


    Social Impact Summer Series: Our faculty are radical educators:


    Andrew Young Center for Global Leadership: We are cultivating Leaders for today, and for tomorrow:


    Martin Luther King, Jr. International Chapel:


    Morehouse College Human Rights Film Festival:


    Office of Institutional Advancement: Financial support to Morehouse College’s mission:


    Social Media: Follow, support, share:





    Et Facta Est Lux,

    Morehouse College Faculty and Staff


    Adrienne Jones

    David Wall Rice

    Keisha Tassie

    Adria Welcher

    Ron Thomas

    Levar Smith

    Winfield Murray

    Felix Kamuche

    Cassandra Wells

    Nathan Nobis

    Ethell Vereen

    Frederick Knight

    Tuwaner Lamar

    Derrick Bryan

    Samuel Livingston

    Tina Chang

    Ruihua Shen

    Kipton Jensen

    Ida Rousseau Mukenge

    Chuang Peng

    Muhsinah Morris

    Nina Gilbert

    Denise Callejas

    Cindy Lutenbacher

    Chris Markham

    Martin Rosenman

    Sinead Younge

    Leah Creque

    Andrew Douglas

    LaKeidra Gilford

    Shelia Paris

    Lycurgus Muldrow

    William Kelly

    Torian Robinson

    Linda Zatlin

    Zelphia White

    Kamilah Claxton

    Paul Sulongteh

    Keith Hollingsworth

    Alberry Melson

    Michael Dillon

    Mikki Harris

    Ranada Owens

    Siavash Abghari

    Douglas Cooper

    Taylor Siegel

    Aaron Parker

    Kevin Chapman Jr.

    Evelyn C. Miller

    Phillip Thomas

    Dwann Davenport

    Duane Jackson

    Marshall Roberson

    Antonio Hughes

    Maya Corneille

    Brenda J. Steele

    Munichia McCalla

    Michael Gumm

    Juliet Elu

    Kara Walker

    Iretha Stoney

    Alex Peister

    José A. Larrauri

    Francine Allen

    Vicki Crawford

    Clarissa Myrick-Harris

    Steven Pederson

    Belinda White

    José Mallabo

    Shondrieka Lamb

    Daniel Hummer

    Matthew Platt

    Alicia Thomas

    Jacob George

    Terry Walker

    Joshua Carter

    Mark Levine

    Jann Adams

    Tanya Clark

    Monique Earl-Lewis

    Lance Shipman Young

    Quisha Buggs

    Michael Janis

    Wallace Sharif

    Oumar Ba

    Wallace Derricotte

    Valerie Haftel

    Miesha Williams

    Abdelkrim Brania

    Haile Larebo

    Natasha Walker

    Stephane Dunn

    Duane Cooper

    Avery Williams

    David Morrow

    Kenneth Newby

    Bryant Marks

    Raymond Oglesby

    Ulrica Wilson

    Felicia Stewart

    Yohance Murray

    F. Karcheik Sims-Alvarado

    Uzee Brown

    Triscia Hendrickson

    J.K. Haynes

    Patricia Pogal

    Maria Gabriela Piscopo

    Juana Mendenhall


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