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    2022 Senior Scholar: Jaden Alexander Cody

    May 13, 2022

    Jaden Alexander Cody is an economics major from Atlanta, Ga. During his time at Morehouse, he has held several leadership roles in the Student Government Association including chief of staff for the Radical 87th Administration; chief operating officer for the Nexus 89th Administration; Miss Maroon and White pageant director 2021 and 2022; “Get On The Bus” director 2019-2022; New Student Orientation leader 2019-2021, New Student Orientation commander 2022; and “Welcome To The House” director. While managing these activities, Jaden has maintained his academic status on the Dean's List; become a member of Omicron Delta Epsilon; and recognized as Top Sales Minor Senior 2021-2022, Maroon Tiger Man of the Year: New Guard 2020, and was a 2022 “Candle in The Dark” Gala presenter. After graduation, Jaden will immediately begin law school with the goal of entering politics to lead and serve the American people at the highest levels.

    One major, initial obstacle for Jaden was comparing himself to his peers. “It becomes so easy for us – as brothers – to see what one another is doing, accomplishing, and want to accomplish similarly or wonder how or why we are not doing more. But I have learned the dangers of comparison and the beauty in being able to say, ‘I must run my own race and stay within what I am graced to do.’ I’ve grown tremendously since my freshman year, as a leader, as a man, as a brother, as an intellectual and all because I was intentional about allowing for Morehouse to work whatever she could out of me and instill all that she deemed necessary in me. Additionally, Morehouse has made me a more assured leader, empowering me to step fully into my role as a leader but also being okay with creating productive discourse in spaces for the sake of necessary change.”

    When reflecting on his Morehouse experience, Jaden started with one word: “Full.” “I’ve experienced so much more than I thought or expected to in these four years. I didn’t even get to do everything I wanted, but I got so much out of Morehouse, and I hope Morehouse got a lot out of my being here. I think serving in different ways and being stretched as a leader and a man made my time so fulfilling. [For prospective students,] Enjoy every second of your time at Morehouse and live every day to the fullest. But also, be sure that you give to Morehouse because she will give to you!”

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