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Partnerships of Purpose: Welcome to the AUC!
June 30, 2021Written by: Morehouse College
The time is coming for the approximately 7,000 students of the Atlanta University Center (AUC) institutions to reunite once again. This will also be the first time the classes of 2024 and 2025 will step foot on campus as enrolled students, which makes this an even more exciting time for our campuses. While Morehouse College is the only historically Black college or university designed to serve men exclusively, a quintessential part of the Morehouse experience is found through our close collaboration with Spelman College and Clark Atlanta University.
From the classroom to “the yard” to the neighborhood and city where we reside, Morehouse, Spelman, and Clark Atlanta have upheld decades-long traditions and established new, ongoing campus activities that strengthen the bond within our community, broaden perspectives of each student, and empower us to be of service to the metro Atlanta area and beyond. Take a look at the brief slideshow for a small glimpse into life at Morehouse as a part of the AUC and, if you have not made your commitment fee payment yet, be sure to submit by July 1, 2021.
See you at The House!