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    Journalist Miles Johnson '23 Chronicles His Participation In The Jordan Brand's "Black Community Commitment Media Experience"

    December 5, 2023

    Miles Johnson '23, a journalism student at New York University, and an inaugural Michael Jordan Scholar, recently had the opportunity to represent Morehouse at a two-day “Jordan Brand Black Community Commitment Media Experience” in New York.

    The experience was a culmination of several organizations the Jordan Black Community Commitment has partnered with in the pursuit of narrative change, including The Blackhouse Foundation, BlackStar Projects, ColorCreative, The Ida B. Wells Society, Morehouse College's Sports, Culture and Social Justice Journalism Department, The Opportunity Agenda and StoryCorps.

    A tour of Nike's New York headquarters provided a unique blend of sports excitement and a crucial workshop on narrative change. The workshop, led by Morehouse professor Nicole Carr, delved into the importance of diversifying storytelling gatekeepers to create a more inclusive narrative in mainstream media.

    Despite being the youngest in the room, Shauncey Mashia, Senior Manager for Jordan's Black Community Commitment, encouraged Miles to speak up and contribute. This resonated deeply with him, reinforcing the responsibility of storytellers to tackle uncomfortable stories and challenge the status quo. He drew inspiration from Michael Jordan's willingness to embrace discomfort, citing the iconic "Flu Game" as an example.

    Day two revealed the familial atmosphere within Jordan Brand, with Miles engaging in conversations with media moguls and Jordan Brand executives and even interviewing basketball legend Carmelo Anthony. 

    The connections made during this experience showcased the power of storytelling to bridge gaps and build relationships.

    Miles thanked Michael Jordan and Nike's Jordan Brand for their unwavering support, acknowledging the scholarship as a catalyst for his journey to pay it forward and shift narratives. The experience came full circle, epitomizing the impact of the inaugural Michael Jordan Scholar cohort in empowering the next generation of storytellers.

    As Miles embarks on his Master of Arts in Journalism at New York University, he carries the lessons learned from the Jordan Brand Media Experience, ready to amplify voices, challenge narratives, and continue the legacy of those who paved the way for him.

    Read the full story by clicking here.

    Tag(s): Student Success

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