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    May 21, 2020 | HBCU

    Alumni Associations Play Vital Role in HBCUs and Liberal Arts

    Alumni associations have always played a vital and integral role in the success of HBCUs and small liberal arts colleges. Traditionally, those roles kept alumni... Read More
    March 26, 2020 | HBCU

    German educators visit Morehouse College to learn about HBCUs

    Morehouse College is committed to globalization of the student experience as expressed in the strategic theme “Morehouse Beyond Borders”. While one might think... Read More
    December 19, 2019 | HBCU

    Morehouse College Emerges As Leader In Software Engineering Among HBCUs

    Morehouse College has launched a new undergraduate software engineering degree program, leading the nation as one of the first HBCUs to offer the major. Read More
    September 23, 2019 | HBCU

    HBCU Symposium to Re-Imagine the African American Canon for Teaching Writing

    2018 Pulitzer Prize-Winning Author James Forman Jr. will open the summit with a special presentation ATLANTA— The Third HBCU Rhetoric & Composition Symposium, a... Read More
    January 24, 2019 | HBCU

    Morehouse Sophomore Is Named as a Luard Morse Scholar

    Artimus Cunningham, an English major from Sycamore, IL, has been named as a 2019 Luard Morse Scholar. Read More