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    Dr. Vicki Crawford of Morehouse College Receives France's Highest National Distinction "The Legion of Honor"

    April 26, 2022

    On April 25, 2022, at the French Residence in Atlanta, Vicki Crawford, PhD, an expert specialist in American Studies and civil rights history, was decorated "Chevalier de l’Ordre National de la Légion d’honneur." This award recognizes her academic contributions as well as her efforts to spread the teachings and the philosophy of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    Dr. Crawford is associate professor of African American Studies and director of the Martin Luther King Jr. Collection at Morehouse College. Acquired by Morehouse College in 2006, the Collection includes 13,000 of Dr. King’s books and personal items. Dr. Crawford also directs a series of collaborative books based on the works in the Collection.

    “At this moment in history, we face so many challenges in the United States, in France and around the world," said Consul General Vincent Hommeril during his remarks. "It is clear that the guidance and light provided by Dr. King can help us find the best way forward. It is for these reasons that your tireless efforts to broaden the reach of his message and the impact of his legacy through making his documents accessible to diverse audiences, both young and old, is to be applauded."

    The Morehouse community celebrates Dr. Vicki Crawford for her work and this distinguished honor. Well done! 


    Pictured from left to right: Jeremiah Davis ‘22, Dr. Vicki Crawford, Consul General Vincent Hommeril, Kibwe Basdeo ‘25, and Morehouse President, Dr. David A. Thomas


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