A curious thing happened when I visited my primary care physician for my yearly exam. It goes without saying that this visit was different from all of the previous...Read More
Congratulations Phaidra Buchanan, on being named a 2021 Rhodes Scholar! Phaidra participated as a Mathlete in Morehouse College community outreach program, Annual Math...Read More
Persistent disparities in access to education remain prevalent in the US. These disparities prevent access to pathways for attainment of degrees and employment in science,...Read More
Morehouse College’s Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP): The Black Ink Project The overarching goal of The Black Ink Project is to increase the writing proficiency of students....Read More
The United States Air Force is dedicated to research and committed to giving back to the academic community by providing opportunities for civilian full-time science,...Read More
This post is dedicated to the loving memory of Bill Jenkins, who was a friend and mentor to many in the public health community. His legacy will live on through his...Read More
I’ve always loved books. I remember them being in my life since forever. My parents had books everywhere. They read often and would frequently direct me to a writer on the...Read More
In the last chapter of Where Do We Go from Here, the “World House,” Martin Luther King wrote: There is nothing to prevent us from paying adequate wages to schoolteachers,...Read More