Kimarley Henry, a recent Class of 2024 alum, has achieved remarkable success with his short film adaptation, “Chad’s Night Out.” This animated short has been selected for the...Read More
Professor Avery O. Williams '86, an Assistant Professor in the Cinema, Television. and Emerging Media Studies(CTEMS) Department, has written the screenplay for a gripping...Read More
Dear Morehouse Community, I write to inform you that I have decided to step down from the presidency of Morehouse College, effective June 30, 2025. Serving as president of...Read More
Morehouse College today announces the retirement of Dr. David A. Thomas as president, effective June 30, 2025. "Record-breaking" defines Thomas's tenure at the College. Its...Read More
Originally published on AJC.comWhen the pandemic began in 2020, forcing all museums in town to shut down for months, the Atlanta History Center decided it was the right time...Read More
Jeremy Hall '26, a second year Biology (pre-med) and finance minor at Morehouse College, grew up on the city’s South Side. Because of his participation in One Goal, he was...Read More
Alumnus and creative powerhouse Cameron “Cam Kirk” Kirkland ’11 has generously donated $10,000 to the Morehouse Campus Content Creators program (C3). This significant...Read More
Morehouse College alumnus Davis “Dos Dias” Bishop ’18, a Grammy Award-winning producer and multi-platinum recording and mixing engineer, has been named the new professor of...Read More
The Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Conference recognized Morehouse College as the winner of the 2023-24 SIAC Citizenship Award, presented by Georgia Power, at its 2024...Read More