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    Faculty Blog

    June 19, 2020 | Morehouse Faculty

    The Pandemic and Protests Underscore the Relevance of King’s Philosophy

    This post is part of our Social Impact Summer Series. Initiated by The Institute for Social Justice Inquiry and Praxis and the Faculty Blog editorial team, the Series is... Read More
    June 16, 2020 | Morehouse Faculty

    Monday Night Coping

    This post is part of our Social Impact Summer Series. Initiated by The Institute for Social Justice Inquiry and Praxis and the Faculty Blog editorial team, the Series is... Read More
    June 10, 2020 | Morehouse Faculty

    Maroon Tiger Reports on George Floyd Protests, COVID-19 Consequences

    This post is part of our Social Impact Summer Series. Initiated by The Institute for Social Justice Inquiry and Praxis and the Faculty Blog editorial team, the Series is... Read More
    June 4, 2020 | Morehouse Faculty

    Police Are Violent. Defensive Demonstrations Aim to Check Them.

    This post is part of our Social Impact Summer Series. Initiated by The Institute for Social Justice Inquiry and Praxis and the Faculty Blog editorial team, the Series is... Read More
    June 1, 2020 | Morehouse Faculty

    The Language of the Unheard

    This post is part of our Social Impact Summer Series. Initiated by The Institute for Social Justice Inquiry and Praxis and the Faculty Blog editorial team, the Series is... Read More
    March 26, 2020 | HBCU

    German educators visit Morehouse College to learn about HBCUs

    Morehouse College is committed to globalization of the student experience as expressed in the strategic theme “Morehouse Beyond Borders”. While one might think... Read More
    March 19, 2020 | Morehouse Faculty

    If a black congressman dies in the Trump era, does it make a tweet?

    A Tale of Two Funerals On October 17, 2019 Rep. Elijah Cummings died at the age of 68. The online reaction (aka Twitter) was enormous. Tweet after tweet proclaimed what a... Read More
    February 24, 2020 | Morehouse Faculty

    An African country got the U.N.’s top court to investigate Myanmar for genocide

    Last month, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued a unanimous ruling that ordered Myanmar to “take all measures within its power” to protect its ethnic minority... Read More
    February 10, 2020 | Morehouse Faculty

    The Case for Reparations to the People of the Democratic Republic of Congo

    Last month, members of the Morehouse College community celebrated the life and martyrdom of a Black leader not named Martin Luther King, Jr. and in doing so, underscored... Read More